15 Texts You Should Never Send Her

9. “I Want You To Have My Babies!”
(The Overwhelming, Emotional Text)

Even if she might be touched by your feelings for her, sending an overly emotional SMS puts too much pressure on her to reply.

The response, “do I like him back, do I agree or disagree,” needs emotional consideration, and it’s risky since you don’t know what frame of mind she’s in right now.

For instance, if she was having a horrible day, she might have contacted you to escape the situation. Then, all of a sudden, she receives a text asking her to express her feelings.

15 Texts You Should Never Send Her
These texts end the conversation and turn it from lighthearted to serious. For her, it turns into a “make it or break it” situation.

She can choose to ignore the talk moving forward to prevent an escalation of the conflict if she doesn’t share her sentiments.

If she shares your sentiments, she might try to hold back until you two meet up in order to save it for the right occasion. This could be taken to mean that she is ignoring you.

Otherwise, it will put a lot of pressure on you the next time you meet if she immediately replies with something like “me too.”

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