20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

12. Loving The Accent – “Say It Again!

20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

The focus of this post is primarily on the British, though anyone with a distinctive accent certainly qualifies.

Going to the States can make it simple to become overwhelmed by the size and grandeur of everything, and that sense is amplified once someone hears your accent.

They’ll ask you to repeat any particular phrase that you may have said while acting as though anyone with a foreign accent is a celebrity.

It’s a special experience that perhaps demonstrates how few Americans are able to visit other continents, including Europe. It is distinctive, eccentric, and humorous.

11. Fast Food Fans

20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

After mentioning that we would move on to fast food, here we are.

Despite the existence of long-standing franchises like McDonald’s and Burger King, Americans tend to take things to a whole new level. They pushed fast food franchises more than most other brands, through sponsorship agreements and nonstop ads.

Many visitors opt to eat their first meal at one of these locations after landing because it has come to be linked with the nation.

With these enormous burgers and fries, you may apply the adage “Everything Is Bigger In Texas” to the entire United States of America.

10. Different Phrases – It’s A Pavement!

20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

The English language is a lovely thing and it should be respected, but because it is spoken in so many different nations, there are a few different dialects that frequently cause confusion. Although some words’ spellings have a tendency to confuse people, the major cause of the argument is found in particular sentences.

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As an illustration, Australians refer to footpaths and Americans use sidewalks in place of pavement. Americans say chips instead of crisps. They use the term trunk rather than a car boot.

Many people find that to be completely incomprehensible, but it’s actually pretty normal, and foreigners who are unfamiliar with the phrases merely find it absurd.

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