25 Damaging Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids

25 Damaging Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids

6. You’re Gonna Get Fat / You’re So Fat

A massive no-no, please. It instills in kids a hyper-awareness of their bodies and causes them to investigate what their friends are eating. Making this impression at such a young age is harmful because body image is such a delicate and personal subject.

Even while it might be beneficial for an overweight child to lose weight, calling them “fat” can just hurt their feelings, undermine their self-esteem, or add to their stress.

An unfavorable body image and disordered eating can result from fat shaming. Additionally, it won’t provide your youngster with any motivation or advice on how to lose weight.

Focusing less on physical appearance and more on the advantages of losing weight will provide greater outcomes when it comes to getting youngsters to a healthier weight. In other words, make healthy food and exercise look enjoyable! Make it less about appearances.

7. Let Me Finish It

If a parent says these things to their child, they might as well be saying, “You can’t do anything correctly,” or worse, “I’m better than you.” No matter how hurried, a frustrated parent should take precautions to hold their tongue and avoid using this awful phrase.

A parent may do wonders for their child’s self-esteem by giving them a little additional time to exercise their independence (and to feel proud of themselves afterward). All of that is instantly taken away from them by the phrase “Just let me do it.”

By saving them time and frustration, a parent may think they are helping their child, but in reality, the child may come to view this so-called help negatively. Since Mom and Dad can do things more effectively and quickly, it can undermine their confidence and cause them to give up before they even begin.

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A delicate balancing act of direction, support, silence, and presence is needed to gently push a kid into independence. Even if a young person fails, it won’t be in vain. And occasionally they will succeed, which is always worth being a few minutes late for.

8. You Are Selfish

Even though all children occasionally act selfishly, saying them they are by nature selfish can traumatize them for the rest of their lives.

Parents must be clear that their disappointment is with the child’s actions, not with who they are as people. Clarifying terminology of this kind is crucial.

9. Stop Acting Like A Baby / It’s Not That Big A Deal

When a child is distressed, one of the worst things you might say to them is this. It invalidates their emotions and discourages them from being honest with you. Children should feel free to express their emotions, and telling them “it’s not that big of an issue” will make them second-guess their own actions.

Try this alternative: “Tell me how and why you feel this way.” By saying this, you can better understand your kid and reassure them that you’re available if they need to chat.

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