25 Damaging Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids

25 Damaging Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids

18.  You Must Calm Down!

This one typically occurs during a fit of rage, and it is about as beneficial as pouring gasoline on a fire. Your youngster wouldn’t be having a tantrum if they could learn to control their emotions.

It’s too late for that at this time. By telling them to “cool down,” you will just be invalidating their very real feelings.

You are usually the one who needs to maintain your composure. When the storm has passed, be patient before talking through the feelings that caused the outburst in the first place.

19. Stop Weeping Right Away!

One more thing you should never say to your youngster is this. Consider this. Would you say this to a buddy who had just experienced a job loss or a breakup? Most likely not. So why would you tell your child that while they are going through a difficult time?

Ever had someone tell you to stop crying? Did it ever succeed?

Strong emotions are felt by children just as much as by adults, if not more. They must understand that it’s acceptable to occasionally feel terrified, sad, furious, or overwhelmed. Their release mechanism for frustration is crying. If your child holds their emotions in now, they can struggle later in life to communicate and understand their feelings.

It shouldn’t be bad to cry.

20. What Did You Do To Yourself?

Even if you don’t like your child’s new hairstyle or nose ring, by opening a conversation with an accusatory statement like this, you immediately stifle dialogue.

Your child will experience frequent judgment and a sense of inadequacy. Children could think that if they can’t please their parents, they can’t please anyone else either.

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21. Why Do You Never Do Anything Right?

This statement is more of an accusation than an inquiry, despite the fact that it may sound like a query. It is unlikely to receive a favorable response. When they can’t persuade their adolescent children to do anything, parents who say this to young children are surprisingly astonished.

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