Cold Or Flu – How Can You Tell The Difference?

Cold Or Flu – How Can You Tell The Difference?

Common Cold Symptoms

A sore throat is typically the first sign of a cold and subsides within a day or two. By the fourth and fifth days, nasal symptoms, a runny nose, congestion, and a cough have also appeared.

Although adults rarely have a fever, it is possible. Children who have a cold are more prone to experience a fever.

For the first several days after developing cold symptoms, the nose is overflowing with watery nasal discharges. These thicken and darken over time. Dark mucus is normal and typically does not indicate that you have a bacterial illness, like a sinus infection.

One of the distinctive symptoms, primarily associated with the common cold, is sneezing.

Typically, cold symptoms last for about a week. You are infectious for the first three days after developing cold symptoms. You should thus stay at home and get some much-needed rest since you can spread the cold to others.

After a week, if your cold symptoms do not appear to be getting better, you may have a bacterial infection and require antibiotics.

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