How To Differentiate Bed Bugs VS Mosquito Bites


Bed bug bites and mosquito bites might have different symptoms, which may make it easier for patients to determine which type they have.

Bed bug bites

How To Differentiate Bed Bugs VS Mosquito Bites
Bed bug bites

Bed bug symptoms include:

  • small, raised, red bumps in groups of three to five
  • frequently, zigzag-shaped bumps on the hands, arms, shoulders, neck, face, and thighs.
  • Itchy lumps that might develop into blisters

Mosquito bites

How To Differentiate Bed Bugs VS Mosquito Bites
Mosquito bites

Most people experience itching, red pimples with puncture holes in the centre after being bitten by a mosquito. After the bite, they often show a few hours or days later.

People who have a mosquito allergy might also get:

  • hives
  • blisters
  • fever
  • swollen joints
  • severe allergic reactions including anaphylaxis

Bite Treatment

A bite or bites might heal faster if they are kept dry and clean. You should resist the urge to scratch or itch. This worsens skin irritation and raises the risk of infection.

Mosquito bites

Typically, you don’t need to treat mosquito bites. Applying a topical antihistamine lotion might relieve those that are very itchy. A cloth-covered ice pack can be used, and the afflicted region can be cleaned with soap and water.

Bed bug bites

The majority of bed bug bites may be treated without a prescription. Treatments include of:

  • applying a cold compress
  • topical anti-itch or steroid cream application over the afflicted regions
  • taking an oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl

If you believe you were bitten at home, treating bed bug bites also requires getting rid of the bugs from your house. Between feedings, bed bugs can survive for up to a year. Therefore, it’s crucial to contact a qualified exterminator who can get rid of bed bugs. After doing this, a bedroom should be cleared of all papers and crevices where bed bugs can hide.

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