How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster: 12 Common Tips

4. Hold the Heat.

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster: 12 Common Tips

You cannot use hot tools every day if you want to strengthen and grow your hair. Your hair can become damaged and break off when exposed to heat from straighteners, hair dryers, and curling irons.

Heat styling restructures and changes the pattern of your hair by destroying the hydrogen bonds in hair (be it straightening curls or adding curls to straight hair).

While completely eliminating heat styling may not be possible, you might want to consider reducing how frequently you use these products. Using hot styling equipment at lower temperatures might also lessen hair damage.

5. Space out Your Shampoo Days.

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster: 12 Common Tips

According to a rumor, over-shampooing can cause hair to become dry, brittle, and damaged since the cleanser strips the hair of its natural oils.

The frequency of hair washing ultimately depends on the type of hair you have. But whether you have straight or curly hair, washing every day is not advised.

The frequency of shampooing your hair each week varies depending on your hair type. While hair types with thinner hair may discover their hair feeling greasy even after one day, hair types with thicker, coarser hair can go many days without washing it. In these situations, a dry shampoo may do wonders to absorb extra oil as you wait for longer strands.

The frequent use of cleansers can irritate and dry up the scalp.

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