Taking Selfies: Is It Good Or Bad? Pros And Cons Closer Look

Taking Selfies: Is It Good Or Bad? Pros And Cons Closer Look

Benefit or Detriment to Society?

For many years, people have been shooting images of themselves. Heck, kings and queens used to spend hours sitting still while having their portrait painted or a bust carved of them. In other words, snapping a photo of oneself is not uncommon; it is almost instinctual.

Is the selfie a friend or an adversary to society’s cultural fabric? is a question that frequently starts a heated internal debate. Let’s examine some of the advantages and disadvantages of this selfie culture.


1. Memorable moments

Selfies make it easier to record special occasions. The majority of selfies are taken to reflect on past events, document our trips, or capture particular persons or occasions.

When traveling alone, people frequently take selfies. Instead of when someone else is snapping their picture, they feel more at ease making silly faces when they are by themselves. As they assist capture the spirit of the current emotion and the experience of being with people you are familiar with, group selfies are less “staged” than stand-alone images.

2. Expressing emotions

Selfies are intimate and emotionally involving. We have social requirements as humans. We have a biological need for interpersonal interaction.

Selfies may be utilized differently now that social media use is on the rise since we can add uplifting messages to our pictures. Selfies provide us the freedom to express our emotions without inhibition, whether we are doing so to show our support for a cause, to chronicle our road to recovery, or simply own our bodies.

3. Self-esteem

If done properly, it can increase self-esteem and confidence in a person. People have a lot of friends and feel socially integrated.

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4. Community

A study found that using a smartphone camera helps people interact with others and feel better about themselves rather than isolating themselves. Additionally, 1 in 5 teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 who publish photos and selfies from their daily lives on social networking sites report feeling more popular, self-assured, and self-esteemed about themselves.

Selfies connect us with many more individuals. The main objective is to establish or develop connections within a certain group, whether that be your supporters if you’re a star or your constituents if you’re a politician.

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