Taking Selfies: Is It Good Or Bad? Pros And Cons Closer Look


On the one hand, taking a selfie might have psychological benefits, but it can also have drawbacks.

Taking Selfies: Is It Good Or Bad? Pros And Cons Closer Look

1. Psychological issues

The most recent research conducted by a group of psychologists indicates that those who regularly take numerous selfies have certain psychological problems. They essentially have a disproportionate interest in self-admiration of themselves and their beauty.

The “fear of missing out” has also been made popular by social media. This prevents young people from being truly present in their real lives and keeps them glued to their phones admiring others. If they are not mentioned on social media, many people can believe that their accomplishments, social life, good times, and physical looks are less important.

2. Living unreal life

Unfortunately, we now rely too much on the views, perceptions, and judgements of others, and this has a negative impact on how we develop as individuals.

Comments on profile images have now come to the point that they disturbingly dramatically influence how physically, socially, and professionally appealing we feel about ourselves.

3. Seeking attention

Selfie enthusiasts struggle to receive compliments from other users of social networking sites. They seek attention from their friends and the public, posing strangely and dressing strangely in an effort to garner more “likes.”

4. Egocentric

Selfie enthusiasts frequently place themselves in the spotlight. It is not a narcissistic problem; rather, it is an ego and self-worth issue.

That excess value seeks for as many “likes” as possible and might reveal a selfish me-me-me mindset.

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