The 20 Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make In Your 20s

The 20 Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make In Your 20s

14. Neglecting the importance of family

When you succeed, you owe it to the people who helped you before anything else. You’re not doing it right if you’re not doing it for the people you care about. It doesn’t matter what occurs, family comes first. You will succeed if you work for someone you love rather than just for yourself.

13. Putting the blame for anything on anyone other than yourself

Be responsible for what you do. Go hard because at the end of the day, all you have is yourself. Don’t look to anyone else for solutions, and create issues rather than causing them.

There is no one else in this universe who can be held accountable besides you for what you did, whether it was that job you desired, the money you required, or the love you believed you couldn’t live without.

12. Getting comfortable, as though you genuinely earned some leisure time

You shouldn’t even consider taking a break anytime soon, unless you’re lounging with Victoria’s Secret models in Monaco this weekend. Need a getaway?

What achievements do you have? Before taking a hiatus, Mark Cuban spent seven years developing his first company from the ground up. Don’t be slack right now.

11. Continuing to work at a job that hasn’t taught you anything

A poor job is similar to an unhealthy partnership. Since it is the safest and simplest thing you are aware of, that is really the only reason you are there.

Avoid at all costs any position or association that enables you to feel at ease. The last thing you want is to wind up like the other miserable 40-somethings who have to spend their weekends driving around in minivans and attending soccer practices.

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10. Following the crowd rather than resisting it

Even though you are aware of the trends, you should never adopt them. You’ll be much more likely to become lost in the crowd if you spend all of your time attempting to adapt to your circumstances.

Success and greatness are created by the trend-setters, not by those who follow the current fashion. We sincerely hope that you have no desire to resemble your favorite rapper. Although it can be tempting to follow in the footsteps of someone you like, no one ever finds their true purpose by imitating others.

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