What Are The Five Love Languages? Explained

What Are The Five Love Languages? Explained

2. Quality Time

Quality time:
Giving your companion your full attention while you are together for a meaningful period of time

When their partner actively wants to spend time with them and is always down to hang out, people who express their love through quality time feel the most cherished. They adore it especially when the partnership prioritizes active listening, eye contact, and total presence.

Giving that one special person your complete attention without interruption from the television, phone, or any other outside interference is the essence of this love language.

They feel an intense want to actively spend time with their significant other, engaging in deep dialogue or engaging in leisure activities together.

When your lover is actually there for you, you feel significant. You could feel unwanted if someone doesn’t actively listen to you or if you go for extended stretches without one-on-one time.

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