Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day

Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day

8. Your fashion becomes iconic

Consider all of the most recognizable individuals you know in terms of attire. What is it that is distinctive? You can’t deny that this style is consistent in some way if you give it any thought. Having a distinctive appearance helps you stand out.

9. You reduce the amount of space needed

You may save a lot of room by choosing to wear fewer items rather than filling your wardrobe with outfits you’ll probably never wear or that will only get worn sometimes, with the majority being completely ignored. Contrast what you now have with a closet that contains 5-7 different outfit options. The extra closet space could reduce clutter and provide comfort.

10. You reduce waste

There were 17 million tons of clothing-related garbage in landfills in 2018. In addition to wasting your time, energy, and closet space, buying a ton of clothes you won’t wear also contributes to environmental pollution and clutter.

With good reason, Levi’s started a drive to reduce global garment waste. If any other argument doesn’t deter you from a capsule wardrobe, the fact that millions of tons of unworn items fill landfills should.

11. It gives meaning to life

We believe that everyone can agree that keeping garments from “the good old” days, when we were younger and perhaps a little smaller, is meaningless and needless.

Drew Barrymore’s essay for Refinery 29, in which she discusses her justification for disconnecting any sentimental links with clothing from her adolescence, may best capture this.

“First of all, the clothing from the 1920s is no longer appropriate for me because I’m almost 40. And the 1930s clothing no longer fits after two children. According to her article, “I am at a difficult crossroads with my wardrobe.

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It is undoubtedly pleasant to observe the growing popularity of the capsule wardrobe concept in a culture that is preoccupied with looks and elegance.

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