Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

The crown chakra

Location: The crown of the head

What it is: The Chopra Center states that the crown chakra, also called Sahasrara or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra in Sanskrit, is the seat of enlightenment and our link to our higher selves, other people, and ultimately the divine. When you are in alignment, it is claimed that your internal realizations resemble pure awareness consciousness, which is all-inclusive and without division. Basically, you are a part of a vast world while yet being greater than yourself.

When it’s blocked: The lack of direction and purpose in life is the result of an underactive crown chakra, according to Kavanagh. “With an underactive crown chakra we may feel apathetic and listless, almost energetically numb, and feel a feeling of detachment,” she adds. Or, you can just feel like yourself—which is entirely OK and completely normal—but not in an elevated state of spiritual connection and understanding.

The crown chakra, in contrast to the other chakras, is frequently only completely opened through certain yogic or meditation techniques, or at certain times—which is not a skill set you can use at any time. However, you might be able to experience a little bit of it via regular spiritual activities, such as meditation, prayer, and times of solitude and thanks.

According to Kavanagh, “an overactive crown chakra typically shows as a thirst for material possessions that never seems capable of being satiated.”

“Greed, superficiality, and arrogance can lead to a separation from the cosmos and other people.

Color: Violet

Element: None

Crystals associated with it: Selenite, clear quartz, lepidolite

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Yoga poses that activate it: Headstand, tree pose, savasana

Balancing the 7 chakras is a group effort

Although each chakra has its own unique characteristics, they are all believed to function as a system. In other words, if one is out of balance, the rest are also affected. Therefore, if you exhibit symptoms of several blocked chakras, remember that this is quite normal. A skilled yoga teacher or healer will work to balance all of your chakras simultaneously, opening a clean pathway for prana to flow from top to bottom.

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