12 Signs of Low Testosterone

4. Hair loss

The formation of hair is one of the many bodily processes that testosterone influences. For many guys, becoming bald as they age is a natural process. While baldness has a genetic component, men with low T may also lose their body and facial hair.

5. Fatigue

Extreme weariness and a drop in energy levels have been noted in men with low T. If, despite receiving plenty of sleep, you are constantly exhausted or if it is difficult for you to muster the motivation to exercise, you may have low T.

6. Loss of muscle mass

Men with low T may see a decline in muscular mass since testosterone contributes to muscle growth. Studies According to reliable sources, testosterone has an impact on muscle mass but not always on strength or function.

7. Increased body fat

Increases in body fat are possible in men with low T. They frequently have gynecomastia, or increased breast tissue, in particular. The imbalance between testosterone and estrogen in males is thought to be the cause of this effect.

8. Decreased bone mass

Osteoporosis, or the loss of bone mass, is a disorder frequently found in female patients. Men with low T, however, might also lose bone mass. Bone is made and made stronger by testosterone. Males with low T thus have less bone mass and are more prone to bone fractures, especially elderly men.

9. Mood changes

Mood swings can occur in men with low T. Because testosterone affects several bodily functions, it can also have an impact on one’s mood and mental capabilities. According to research from a reliable source, males with low T are more prone to experience sadness, irritation, or lack of focus.

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10. Affected memory

Age causes a drop in both testosterone levels and cognitive abilities, notably memory. Doctors have thus hypothesized that reduced testosterone levels may be a factor in impaired memory.

A lesser number of studies have connected testosterone supplementation with enhanced memory in men with low levels, according to a research study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Reliable Source). However, when 493 men with low testosterone levels received testosterone or a placebo, the study’s authors did not see any memory gains.

11. Smaller testicle size

Smaller than usual testicles might result from low testosterone levels in the body. Low testosterone levels may contribute to an abnormally smaller penis or testicles compared to a guy with normal testosterone levels since the body needs testosterone to produce the penis and testicles.

Low testosterone levels are one reason of smaller-than-normal testicles, but there are other factors that can also contribute to this condition.

12. Low blood counts

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical AssociationTrusted Source found a relationship between low testosterone and a higher risk of anemia.

In comparison to males who received a placebo gel, blood counts improved when the researchers gave testosterone gel to anemic men who also had low testosterone levels. Anemia can result in a number of symptoms, including difficulty concentrating, lightheadedness, leg cramps, poor sleep, and an excessively quick heartbeat.


Men endure a more gradual decline in testosterone levels over time than women do, who undergo a precipitous reduction in hormone levels during menopause. The likelihood of experiencing below-normal testosterone levels increases with age in men.

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Low T symptoms may be seen in men with testosterone levels below 300 ng/dL. If necessary, your doctor can do a blood test and provide a treatment recommendation. They can also talk about the potential advantages and drawbacks of testosterone therapy.

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