12 Terrible Reasons For Staying Friends With Your Ex

6. You want to keep them on the back burner.

12 Terrible Reasons For Staying Friends With Your Ex

This urge to keep your ex close by in case you can’t meet someone better is a more cynical variant of the previous item. This method is obviously unfair to your ex, but it can also hinder your progress.

Life events like breakups may be quite devastating. They should not be treated carelessly. Do not end a relationship with someone only to keep them close by in case you are unable to meet someone else. It doesn’t function like that. Don’t pull them along; either be with them or let them go.

7. They won’t take ‘no for an answer.

Even if you don’t want to keep in touch, what if your ex does and won’t let you be alone? You have every right to decline a friendship, as was already mentioned.

Make sure you are open and honest with your ex about how you feel (and don’t be scared to call the police if they start acting inappropriately). While a little “stalking” on Facebook could be reasonably safe, real stalking is unsettling and wrong. It is also surprisingly typical.

These actions included making contact with an ex after being warned not to or unexpectedly visiting an ex’s home.

Be wary of these characteristics as they all indicated increased stalker behavior, including rage, jealously, obsessiveness, and craving for control.

8. You’re having ‘grass is greener’ syndrome.

If your current relationship isn’t completely fulfilling, you could feel more drawn to maintaining touch with your ex. Since you’re not constantly exposed to their annoying tendencies when you’re not with someone, it’s simple to romanticize them.

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The problem with this style of thinking is that you’ll never be content wherever you are if the grass is always greener elsewhere. Instead of going to an ex for comfort or as an escape if you’re dissatisfied in your present relationship, it’s worthwhile to try to address those feelings with your spouse. When your relationship is already problematic, bringing up the ex will probably just make matters worse.

9. You have the same friends.

According to research, you are more likely to maintain your friendship with an ex if your friends and family encourage you to. But that does not obligate you to. Although keeping a connection with your ex for the sake of social peace is a desirable objective, it may become problematic if this is the only justification for doing so.

You have the right to spend time with your friends alone and to turn down invites to occasions where your ex will also be in attendance. Even though it is appropriate for you to occasionally run into your ex, this does not obligate you to become buddies.

Even though you have a lot of history together, it may be difficult to regard your ex as simply another acquaintance. Eventually, though, that past won’t matter as much.

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