120+ Inspirational Christian Quotes

120+ Inspirational Christian Quotes
  • To start moving in the direction that God wants you to travel, you may need to occasionally stop.
  • God’s job carried out in God’s manner will never run out of God’s resources.
  • As long as you work for God, you are on the list of Hall of Famers in paradise.
  • I am powerless without from Christ, yet I am powerful in Christ.
  • God gave you what you are, and you give God what you become.
  • Instead than adding little crosses on the shoes, the Christian shoemaker fulfills his job by creating high-quality footwear because God values skillful workmanship.
  • The Bible is the best book; studying it is the most noble activity; and understanding it is the most important thing to do.
  • Anything in God’s hands is always in control.
  • As you go about your day, keep in mind that for some of your friends, neighbors, and relatives, you may be the only time they ever encounter Jesus.

Inspirational Bible Quotes for Strength

This inspiring Bible quotations for strength encourage us to carry on with our life despite difficulty and failure, offering us hope and the possibility of a better future.

  1. I understand what it’s like to have lots of things and what it’s like to be in need. I’ve discovered how to find contentment in any circumstance. Because he provides me power, I am able to accomplish everything.
  2. Because my power is made perfect in weakness, my mercy is more than enough for you.
  3. And when you have endured a little while of suffering, the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, himself will restore you and make you strong, firm, and unwavering.
  4. Because he has through the same kinds of tests that we have, but without committing any sin, our high priest is able to understand our shortcomings. Therefore, let us boldly approach the throne of grace in order to obtain compassion and discover grace to lend a helping hand when we are in need.
  5. Because I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and assures you that I will assist you, do not be afraid.
  6. Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow since tomorrow will worry about itself. The day’s worth of trouble is enough.
  7. My brothers and sisters, whenever you go through trials of all kinds, consider it pure joy because you know that perseverance is produced by the testing of your faith. Allow persistence to accomplish its task so that you might become mature and whole, needing nothing.
  8. Because of his power, I am able to accomplish all of this.
  9. And we are aware that God always acts in the best interests of those who love him and have been chosen in accordance with his purpose.
  10. Who is the one who conquers the world? Those who think that Jesus is the Son of God alone.
  11. The LORD will carry you when you put your weight on him; he will never let the upright to be moved.
  12. The LORD, your God, is among you; he is a great one who will deliver; he will be joyful over you; he will soothe you with his love; he will sing for joy over you.
  13. You are my safe haven; you will keep me out of harm’s way and round me with melodies of salvation.
  14. Sing for gladness, O skies, and rejoice, O earth; start singing, O mountains! Because the Lord has consoled his people and will show compassion to those who are suffering.
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120+ Inspirational Christian Quotes
  1. I’ve told you these things so you can find comfort in me. You will experience hardship in the world. But don’t lose hope; I defeated the world.
  2. Whom should I fear when the LORD is my light and my salvation? Whom should I be scared of when the LORD is my stronghold?
  3. Glory to the Lord! Those who revere the Lord are joyful. They have a solid heart and feel confident in the Lord, so they are not terrified of hearing bad news. They won’t be scared since their hearts are stable.
  4. Because the one who is in you is bigger than the one who is in the world, you, my children, are from God and have triumphed over them.
  5. When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
  6. We are under pressure from all directions, yet we are not crushed. We are confused, but we are not hopeless. We are persecuted, but we are not left alone.
  7. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
  8. I won’t be afraid of anything even if I pass through the deepest valley since you are with me; your rod and staff reassure me.
  9. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
  10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
  11. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
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Regardless of our wealth, gender, age, or whether we are men or women, we all face challenges in life. Most people just cling to the idea that God will always be there to help them through any difficulties they may encounter. May His promises of joy, serenity, and satisfaction be deeper ingrained in our hearts as a result of these encouraging words.

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