5 Best Foods For Women Over 40

5 Best Foods For Women Over 40

5. Quinoa

If you had to carry one food item to a desert island, it should be quinoa! Its nutritional value fully supplies the body with all needed amino acids, as well as a ton of vitamins and minerals. Here are some further justifications for older ladies eating it:

Support for metabolic health

In the United States, metabolic disease is a major issue, and older people are more susceptible to its complications. According to studies, quinoa is more effective than other gluten-free carbs at lowering levels of compounds linked to sluggish metabolism.

Reduced glycemic index

Foods with high glycemic indexes are frequently linked to a number of disorders, especially those that are prevalent in adults over 40. Heart disease, stroke, and even type 2 diabetes fall within this category.

Quinoa, on the other hand, has a low glycemic index, which means it doesn’t significantly spike blood sugar levels, giving the body time to acclimatize. It serves as a healthy and beneficial carb replacement because it has a lower index than even straightforward foods like white rice.

High amount of antioxidants

As was already mentioned, oxidation and oxidative stress can significantly quicken some signs of aging.

Antioxidants found in quinoa can combat free radicals, lower disease risk, and slow down the aging process. Quinoa actually has a considerably higher antioxidant content than a variety of grains and legumes, according to study.

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