9 Strange Signs Of High-Intelligence

9 Strange Signs Of High-Intelligence

4. They are adaptable.

More adaptable than others are intelligent individuals. Intelligent individuals are more likely to discover a solution than to give up in certain situations. Because it is believed that survivalism is a component of human intellect, psychological research backs this up.

5. They know they don’t know it all.

Socrates once said, “I know just one thing: that I know nothing.” You don’t have space to learn more when you presume you know everything. And smart people continue to be receptive to novel ideas.

6. They are always curious.

Curiosity and intellect are closely related. People that have a tendency to get smarter arrived there because they were hungry for information. When you stop to think about it, curiosity is where intellect is born.

7. They worry.

Anxious individuals worry a much. Worrying, however, may also be intelligent. According to a 2011 research, those who are clever worry less about improbable events and more about prospective risks so they may be ready for them.

8. They have a dark sense of humor.

A increasing corpus of evidence suggests that bright people have a more warped sense of humor. This is probably related to the fact that twisted comedy requires a more complex thinking than jokes that are simpler to grasp.

9. They have larger pupils.

I thought this to be the most bizarre, yet studies have shown a correlation between intellect and greater pupil size. This is because it demonstrates a stronger working memory and more attentive mind.

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