I’m Ready To Tell The Story Of My Disturbing Diagnosis With ‘Blue Waffle’

Who created the blue waffle myth?

An image of a “scabbed, blue-tinted labia” that was claimed to be an ailment or condition called “blue waffle” first appeared online in 2010.

The waffle sickness myth and blue waffle were explored by Planned Parenthood:

“Blue waffle is entirely, entirely, entirely an urban legend. It is nonexistent. Any information you may have heard regarding its symptoms, carriers, or methods of transmission is thus untrue. And whatever images of blue waffle you may have seen online? They are also bogus. Numerous symptoms of blue waffle, including as a red or inflamed vagina or vulva, strange or smelly discharge, and itching or burning, may really be indications of vaginitis.

The absence of blue waffle, however, does not preclude the existence of other STDs that would be comparable to the waffle sickness. You need to be aware of certain illnesses and infections. Here are some of the most often asked questions regarding STDs, their locations on both men and women, and their signs and symptoms:

I’m Ready To Tell The Story Of My Disturbing Diagnosis With ‘Blue Waffle’


What is an STD?

A sexually transmitted disease, or STD, is a condition that can spread from one person to another through sexual activity. A sexually transmitted infection, or STI, is another name for an STD.

What are the most common STDs you can get if you’re sexually active?

There are several STDs or illnesses that you can get if you aren’t engaging in safe sex. Two of the most prevalent STDs in both men and women are chlamydia and gonorrhea. The following are some illnesses you might contract:

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The most often reported STD is chlamydia. It can affect both men and women, but thankfully, the appropriate remedies can cure it. Burning when urinating, unusual vaginal discharge (or stinky discharge), pain during sex, and bleeding in between periods are the symptoms in women. Pus from the penis and swollen/tender testicles are the symptoms in men.


Anyone who engages in sexual activity has the potential to get gonorrhea, an infection of the genitalia, rectum, and throat. If they engage in unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse, both men and women run the danger of contracting this illness. The signs and symptoms are comparable to Chlamydia.


Genital herpes and oral herpes are the two primary kinds of herpes. An STD called genital herpes is brought on by two different viruses: the Harpes Simplex Virus and (HSV 1 and HSV 2). The US is where herpes is most prevalent. HSV 1 is the virus that causes oral herpes, which can lead to cold sores around the mouth.


The most prevalent STI that may be contracted during vaginal or anal intercourse is HPV. Low-risk forms can result in warts on the vulva, vagina, cervix, rectum, anus, penis, or scrotum, whereas high-risk ones may cause malignancy. Consider getting vaccinated to reduce your risk of contracting this illness. Use condoms if you are sexually active.

Genital Warts

An instance of HPV on the external genitalia is genital warts. Thankfully, they are actually manageable and more bothersome than unpleasant.

I’m Ready To Tell The Story Of My Disturbing Diagnosis With ‘Blue Waffle’

What is a yeast infection?

When the beneficial yeast that usually resides in a woman’s vulva or vagina overgrows, it causes a vaginal yeast infection. Itching, burning, and redness in the vagina are the symptoms. There may also be a creamy covering around the vaginal region and thick, white, clumpy vaginal discharge that is normally smellless. The symptoms of this illness worsen with time, making intercourse painful and occasionally leading to sores on the vagina or vulva or fissures (a bacterial growth). Your vulva may sting when you urinate if you develop sores there. It is not an STD, this sickness.

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I’m a woman. Can I get a disease in my vulva?

You can, indeed. Vulvovaginitis, an infection of the vulva and vagina, is the most typical kind. Both girls and women may experience this in the vaginal region. The most frequent causes, which include some of the disorders described above, include yeast, a virus, and STIs (Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Herpes).

What can put me at risk for a disease or infection?

If you engage in anal, vaginal, or oral intercourse without using a condom, as well as having numerous and/or anonymous sex partners, you may be at risk for any of the illnesses listed above.

The blue waffle STD is a hoax once more! The concept of “blue waffle illness” is fictitious, and there is no such thing as it.

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