If Your Partner Does These Things, Never Let Them Go

If Your Partner Does These Things, Never Let Them Go

5. They challenge you

A keeper will push you to step outside of your comfort zone and develop into the best version of yourself. They won’t let you stay in mediocrity for too long because they know you can do better rather than because they don’t believe you’re good enough. Instead, they advise you to sign up for that half-marathon, submit an application for the job you’ve been eyeing, and take a trip to a place you’ve always wanted to go. They just desire you to develop into the most complete, total version of yourself and continuously increase the bar to ensure that you advance personally.

6. They Take Care of You

They will certainly bring you chicken noodle soup when you are down, but caring for someone also entails listening to them when they need to talk, demonstrating your concern by doing lovely things for them, and performing their fair part of the labor in a relationship.

7. They communicate instead of fighting

Everybody has a temper, albeit some have fuses that burn faster than others. A healthy relationship is one where your significant other tries to talk to you and listen to you rather than turning a dispute into a yelling fight. Additionally, listening well is more crucial than dominating every conversation. Your communication abilities will increase just by expressing, “I hear you and appreciate that you’re sharing your ideas and feelings with me. Being in a relationship where you both value problem-solving over “winning” an argument matters a lot.

8. They get excited about seeing you again

Life is too short to spend it with someone who you don’t look forward to seeing when you get home. Whether it’s as a date to their friend’s forthcoming wedding or even going so far as to consider marriage and having children together, this person sees their future with you. However, it’s a warning sign if your SO doesn’t bother to contact you back or constantly canceling arrangements.

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9. They truly love you

Even though many individuals claim to be in love, you will actually feel this way towards this person. You’ll be able to tell it’s genuine when they perform the many tiny things they do every day to make you feel significant. Above all, they will express their affection for you.

You scarcely recall the insecurities you formerly had. Your partner adores you deeply and embraces both your “flaws” and your best qualities. They adore every aspect of you, including your flaws. Since they are aware of your suffering and are trying their best to make things better, they would never consider leaving your side.

If Your Partner Does These Things, Never Let Them Go
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