Red Carrot VS Orange Carrot – Which Is Better?

Red Carrots

Red Carrot VS Orange Carrot – Which Is Better?

The naturally occurring group of pigments known as beta carotene is responsible for giving many fruits and vegetables their color, including red carrots.

For the production of vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy vision, beta carotene is crucial. Carrots have the most beta-carotene, although it is also present in pumpkin, apricots, and nectarines.

The crimson color is also due to a substance called lycopene, which is also present in tomatoes. Because of its significant antioxidant qualities, lycopene shields our body from free radicals and lowers our chance of developing heart disease.

Orange Carrots

Red Carrot VS Orange Carrot – Which Is Better?

Beta-carotene, which differs significantly from that in red carrots, also gives orange carrots their vibrant hue. There is no doubt that red carrots naturally contain more antioxidant compounds. The vitamin A, E, and K content of orange carrots is quite high. It also has lutein and lycopene, two antioxidants that are good for the eyes.

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