11 Things Men Notice First About Women

11 Things Men Notice First About Women

9. Your Words

More than you would have thought, he is clinging to your words. He takes it all in, observing the subtleties, brief moments of quiet, and tense trembling.

He views it as the most trustworthy research source. He is concerned not just with the words that come out of that lips.

However, he was not likely seeing the air vibrate off your lips as sound is made during those times when his eyes dipped to them. Yet, guys will still be men, right?

11 Things Men Notice First About Women

10. Scent

Men choose relationships mostly based on scent, therefore your pheromones—not your perfume—are essential.

But it doesn’t imply you should stop using body lotion, perfume, and deodorant and instead give him a whiff of your natural body odor. It’s not what we meant, I assure you. All of those cosmetics are acceptable when used sparingly.

If you want to catch his attention, don’t spray floral fragrance all over your body since he would prefer to flee. Allow your pheromones to do their thing as well. You’ll see the results!

11 Things Men Notice First About Women

11. Your Confidence

We wrote this last, but it is the most important.

What counts most is your confidence, not whether you have those large eyes, lustrous hair, a killer curve, or could run circles around a Victoria Secrets model.

What counts most is how confident you are in yourself, not whether you are slim or overweight, extrovert or introvert, short or tall, or if you have clear skin or acne.

This is one of the top 11 things a man observes about you on a first encounter. The guy does take notice of your confidence.

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