12 Terrible Reasons For Staying Friends With Your Ex

10. They still love you.

12 Terrible Reasons For Staying Friends With Your Ex

The best thing you can do for your ex is to let them go if they still have feelings for you but you don’t share those feelings. Who doesn’t like being adored? However, although spending time with them could make you feel good about yourself, it might also cause grief and confusion for them, especially if it gives them false hope.

Your ex may not understand your intentions, even if you are clear that all you want is to be friends. People only perceive what they want to, and you can be sure that they will be on the lookout for any indication of reciprocated devotion. The best course of action in this circumstance is usually to limit communication and permit your ex to move on.

Do not encourage your ex-feelings partner’s of continued love for you if you believe they still exist. It will separate them. Give them time to get over you while doing the right thing for them.

11. You still love them.

Being secretly in love with your ex and wanting to win them back might be a compelling reason to maintain your friendship with them, but it’s also regrettably one of the riskiest ones.

There is probably not much you can do to convince your ex to want to be with you. Trying in vain can only result in recurring grief and a negative self-image. Spend time with friends that genuinely care about you. Most likely, this ex is not one of them.

READ:   If You Love Someone, Let Them Go

12. You aren’t sure of your decision.

The last of our three points ties into the sixth. If you’re unsure about your choice, you need to make up your mind right away. Breakups don’t just happen, thus they shouldn’t be handled carelessly. Do the proper thing for them and leave if you can’t figure it out.

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