15 Texts You Should Never Send Her

5. “Please, Give Me Another Chance…”
(The Pleading Text)

If you find yourself in a scenario where you feel like sending this kind of SMS, it’s likely that you messed up so terribly that no amount of temporary reparation will make up for it.

Furthermore, when you beg for something, it gives the other person control over you.

In essence, you’re telling them that THEY decide A fate rather than the fact that both people in your relationship make decisions.

15 Texts You Should Never Send Her
It’s not a good idea to send a series of pleading SMS if you need to admit to making a mistake. Correctly apologize and make amends by doing so rather than just saying you will.

Texts like these come across as clinging and give the impression that you have no choice but to resort to begging.

In the best instance, the woman will simply disregard them. But in the worst scenario, she might feel as though she has the right to abuse the power shift you have granted her and spit in your face.

Even if it takes time, owning up to your mistakes and genuinely attempting to repair them can yield rewards.

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