15 Texts You Should Never Send Her

7. “What Do You Do? Where Do You Live?”
(The Rapid Fire Questions)

When a male perceives a woman as being inattentive or when he lacks the skills to make texting amusing, he may attempt to word every text as a question, believing that “She has to react immediately.”

However, women find these SMS annoying since they sound like they are being questioned in addition to the fact that many males send them.

15 Texts You Should Never Send Her
It’s not a job interview; it’s just a text discussion.

Conversations lose their enjoyable element when participants sense that they are being interviewed or screened because they feel under pressure to respond.

Because of this strain, comments frequently amount to one sentence or just a list of facts. Or, even worse, you come up with totally dishonest replies.

For instance, texting “what do you do for a living?” is acceptable and demonstrates interest, but when you ask her a follow-up question rather than allowing her to elaborate, the text transitions from “conversation” to “Q&A time.”

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