Bananas: To Eat Or Not To Eat? The Truth About Popular Fruit

Bananas: To Eat Or Not To Eat? The Truth About Popular Fruit

Among all fruits, bananas are among the most consumed. They are the ideal on-the-go snack because they are very portable and simple to eat. Additionally, bananas are pretty nutritious and rich in fiber and antioxidants.

However, you may have heard that eating bananas is actually bad for your health, particularly if you have diabetes or are insulin resistant. It’s still controversial to eat a banana on an empty stomach. Because they are afraid of gaining weight, many people cut bananas out of their diet.

Is a banana your best friend or worst enemy?

The Most Common Banana Myths

Here are 5 widespread myths about bananas to help you decide whether or not to consume your preferred fruit.

Myth #1 – Bananas contain too much sugar.

If you’re going to eat a banana, you might as well eat a candy bar, one might hear. Let’s sort things out, then.

There are 14 grams of sugar in a medium banana, which is a significant quantity. 14 grams of sugar are also included in one ounce of dark chocolate. The sugar in a banana is entirely natural, whereas the sugar in chocolate is entirely artificial.

What sets them apart?

Bananas typically include 3 grams of fiber, which decreases the blood sugar absorption. Some of this fiber is derived from pectins, which further delay the breakdown of carbs and minimize a spike in blood sugar. You can still eat bananas even if you have diabetes or have been warned that your blood sugar is a little high. Combine a banana with protein and healthy fat, such as nut or seed butter or yogurt, to decrease the sugar rise.

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But bear in mind that eating fruit is still very different than eating candy bars, even if you do solely snack on fruit! A banana also has fiber, a ton of other vitamins and minerals, and even more protein than 1 gram!

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