Every Woman Needs A Tribe – Here’s Why

Every Woman Needs A Tribe – Here's Why

The World Has Changed

Having your own tribe is even more crucial today because of the changing economic and social systems. No one can put their future happiness and support in the hands of businesses, organizations, or even nations.

Men have had networks, golf clubs, and football teams throughout history. We ladies need to come out of the closet and form our own tribes. Together, we can support one another in being the women we now are and the women we want to be.

A tribe need not consist of a large number of people; it is OK for your tribe to be made up of just one or two close pals. Consider your mother to be one of the pack, as well as any mentors you may have or even the first lady at your church. Those that are a part of your tribe should be able to rely on you at your weakest, and reciprocity for dependability is unquestionably required.

Surround Yourself With the Right Tribe

The adage “Show me your pals and I’ll tell you who you are” certainly applies here.

Hang around with pessimistic folks who constantly complain about how horrible things are, and you’ll begin to believe them. You will learn a thing or two along the way for your personal growth if you surround yourself with people who are interested in bettering themselves and becoming the best versions of themselves.

Building your personal network one person at a time is an option, but you can also jump-start your tribe by joining one that matches your values and fosters the kind of growth and optimism you’re after. Building your network before you actually need it is crucial, though.

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