How Can You Make Your Period Come Faster?

How Can You Make Your Period Come Faster?

Hormonal Birth Control

The only effective way to manage the menstrual cycle is by using hormonal contraception, such as birth control pills or the ring.

The best way to regulate periods is to take a combination pill that contains both progestin and estrogen. People take hormone pills for 21 days before stopping or switching to a fake pill for the following 7 days. These seven days are when they get their period.

To have their period start earlier, people can stop taking the hormone supplement early.

Be aware that birth control tablets may be less effective at preventing pregnancy if they are not taken as directed by a doctor.

Additionally, utilizing birth control, which doctors often deem safe, allows people to skip their period.


A light workout may help the muscles relax and hasten the onset of your menstruation. However, there is just anecdotal support for this approach, and studies have not verified its efficacy.

Some people experience irregular periods as a result of intense exercise routines. Moderate exercise may assist in replenishing the hormones required to restore a regular menstrual cycle.


High levels of stress have been linked in scientific studies to irregular menstruation.

Finding techniques to unwind and decompress might be beneficial, especially if a person discovers that their period is late or nonexistent as a result of stress.

Stress-reduction techniques include gentle yoga, journaling, meditation, and quality time with friends and loved ones.


Unbelievably, sex and orgasm can also trigger the onset of a menstruation.

The hormones released during sexual activity combined with the uterine contractions seen after an orgasm may help to widen the cervix and encourage the uterus to start shedding its lining.

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Diet and Weight

A person’s period may change if their weight changes. Low body weight may result in irregular or nonexistent menstrual cycles. This is so that the body can create hormones that are associated to menstruation, which require some fat.

Unusual menstrual cycles can also be brought on by a high body weight or an abrupt change in weight.

Some people may find that particular meals can impact the timing, intensity, and duration of their period as well as postpone or accelerate it. The proportional amounts of fat, protein, and other nutrients in diets may be the cause of this.

Both extreme calorie restriction and excessive exercise can disrupt ovulation by affecting the reproductive hormones.

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