How Men Fall In Love: 7 Stages

Why do Guys Run Away When They Fall in Love?

How Men Fall In Love: 7 Stages

Ah, the big question!

When you read about the 7 stages of love for men below, you’ll fully get the psychology of how guys fall in love and why they flee. However, a man is simply working incredibly hard to get YOU fall in love with him while he dates you. He is not falling in love with you.

He begins to question if he even likes you and whether he may regard you as a prospective romantic interest until he is certain that you are genuinely falling for him. And at this point, the majority of girls are perplexed by a guy’s actions.

Just as you begin to give in and start falling for him “because he’s in love with you,” you notice guys fleeing when you presume they are already in love with you. You witness him following you in a frenzy.

That’s not because he’s afraid to commit; rather, it’s because he’s thinking about starting a relationship with you. You would now understand what it meant if he fled.

The Guy in Love – What does a Man Think When They Fall in Love?

First impression: PANIK!

That’s correct; a man feels a little uncertain and perplexed when he first begins to fall in love with a female. Does she merit “settling down” with? Are you sure she’s the one?

You would have asked yourself the same queries throughout the first few dates. The male does not even ask himself the same questions until after the first few dates, though.

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But if he believes that you are worth it, you can anticipate that he will give in entirely and fall in love with you in the same manner that you would. However, as you’ll see below, this doesn’t actually occur until after you’ve fallen in love with him.

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