What Are The Five Love Languages? Explained

What Are The Five Love Languages? Explained

4. Acts of Service

Acts of service:
Setting the table, walking the dog, or performing other minor tasks for your companion.

You respect it when your mate goes above and beyond to make your life easier if acts of service are your partner’s love language. When you’re unwell, someone might bring you soup, make your coffee in the morning, or pick up your dry cleaning after a long day at the office.

For those who feel that deeds speak louder than words, this is their love language. People on this list want to be shown how much they are valued, as opposed to those who prefer to hear it. These people strongly value doing both minor and large tasks that make their life simpler or more comfortable.

Anything your partner does voluntarily to lighten your load is an expression of their love for you. On the other side, keeping your word or being lazy can make you feel insignificant.

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