What To Do After You Overeat – Ways To Feel Better

What To Do After You Overeat – Ways To Feel Better

Skip the Bubbles

Carbonated beverages might not be a good option if you’ve already overindulged.

You can overfill your digestive system with gas when you drink them. You’ll feel even more bloated as a result of this. The remainder travels through your digestive system until you pass it as gas after you burp some of it away.

Incorporate Produce

Aim to consume at least one fruit or vegetable at each meal throughout the day because produce is low in calories and high in potassium and water.

Your body can eliminate extra sodium with the help of fluids and potassium, which might make you feel less bloated. Vegetables are also high in antioxidants, which can help repair some of the free radical damage brought on by overeating, and fiber, which will help keep you regular.

Give Away Leftovers

If you still have food after a meal, you can mistakenly believe that you’ve eaten a healthy amount while in reality you’ve overindulged.

According to some research, this can cause you to eat more and move less afterwards. Divide leftovers into individual servings if you plan to keep them so you don’t go overboard the next time.

If you know you can’t resist, don’t store calorie bombs like grandma’s pecan pie in the kitchen.

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