Why Are So Many Smart And Attractive Women Still Rolling Solo?

Why Are So Many Smart And Attractive Women Still Rolling Solo?

3. “Dating for the sake of dating” is not about them.

These ladies don’t want to waste their time or energy on a man they don’t honestly envision themselves spending the rest of their lives with. It seems like a waste of time to go on casual dates. She isn’t disinterested in dating; she just doesn’t want to go on ONE more uninteresting date.

They don’t enjoy pointless sex. She’s willing to wait for it since having sex with someone she cares about is better.

4. They are capable of caring for themselves.

There is a perception that attractive, intelligent women are lonely. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Today’s women value their wants and respect themselves above everyone else and recognize that they take the greatest care of themselves.

5. They can’t stand being the backup plan.

The most intelligent women will never settle for anything less than their man’s first priority. These ladies always put themselves first and won’t accept anything less. They are quite perceptive, therefore they will leave before things get worse if they think something is amiss going on behind their backs.

Anyone who believes they can manipulate an intelligent lady while seducing another woman on the side is utterly mistaken.

6. They have quite high expectations.

These ladies are conscious of their value and won’t settle for a relationship with an incompatible partner. Their spouses must have all the qualities that these kinds of women want in a man. It’s important to be resilient, self-assured, autonomous, and motivated.

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7. They value their downtime.

Women now merely choose to spend their time on themselves instead of cooking at home for a husband and numerous children after work. Going to a spa, a beauty salon, shopping, or a self-development master class looks more appealing than looking after children or cleaning up after a man.

8. No man is needed to complete them.

Why Are So Many Smart And Attractive Women Still Rolling Solo?

They have achieved success on their own. They are virtually complete people with their own lives, occupations, groups of friends, and so forth. They don’t require a male to validate them in any way. They are completely satisfied and comfortable with the lives they have created for themselves.

They are aware that even if the appropriate man were to appear, it would not provide the fulfillment or kind of purpose they are looking for. Only the man of their dreams would add to their already rich lives.

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