Why Are So Many Smart And Attractive Women Still Rolling Solo?

Why Are So Many Smart And Attractive Women Still Rolling Solo?

15. A powerful princess without a prince.

Although falling in love might be a beautiful experience, there is still a lot that the world has to offer. Today’s educated girl understands the importance of her relationships with her family, friends, coworkers, and herself. She is conscious that she needs to maintain a balance among all of these connections and make time for everyone, and that being romantically involved is not a worthwhile or useful way to pass the time.

16. They aren’t seeking for husbands anymore.

They might not necessarily be against getting married at some point in the future, though. It simply means that they aren’t always worrying whether today will be the day they meet “Mr. Right.” The most crucial factor is their personal happiness, and if a man can contribute to it, they will be content.

They can feel secure and well-protected without a husband. They don’t require nighttime supervision when they sleep. They even realize that they don’t need a man to bear children, which may seem absurd. They aren’t afraid to be single mothers and forge their own route to fulfillment.

Why Are So Many Smart And Attractive Women Still Rolling Solo?

We no longer hesitate to express our preferences in relationships. Nobody will judge us whether we choose a partner of the same gender or engage in a free relationship, so we can live as we like. Obviously, this results in people choosing to live together rather than get married.

18. They know who they are.

Smart, attractive women are fully aware of who they are. This indicates that they are completely aware of what they do and do not want in a partner.

These ladies are aware of their emotions and are skilled at managing them. They feel at ease in their own skin and with their sexuality. They are so aware of who they are that they can tell when something, especially love, is not appropriate for them. They don’t trick themselves into thinking otherwise either.

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19. Women who are intelligent and attractive intimidate men.

These ladies are also conscious of their power. To avoid undermining a man’s confidence or making him feel inferior to them, they will never agree to act foolish or naive. These women are aware of their worth, and if guys can’t handle that, that’s their loss.

20. They’re focused on their own journeys.

Women who are aware of themselves don’t waste time on things they can’t change. They prioritize improving themselves instead.

These women are occupied following their ambitions in life. They simply don’t have the time to date, whether it be for their jobs, their passions, or their personal journey. They understand that when everything comes together, true love will emerge organically.

21. They don’t adhere to rules.

Why Are So Many Smart And Attractive Women Still Rolling Solo?

Attend college. Find a career you like. Find a male. Assemble a family. That’s just not their style.

They are not limited to following this heteronormative route to “bliss.” They don’t think they have to give in to what success or fulfillment means to society.

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