Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

The throat chakra

Location: The throat chakra, as its name suggests, is physically connected to the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx.

What it is: Have no qualms about expressing your emotions? Your fifth chakra is probably in good balance. This chakra is all about communicating your inner truth, or more precisely, making sure that your inner truths are appropriately articulated. The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, governs all communication. According to Olivia, it’s the first of the three chakras that are exclusively spiritual (as opposed to the lower ones, which present themselves in a more physical fashion). When this chakra is balanced, you have the capacity to listen intently, communicate effectively, and express yourself.

According to Kavanagh, “a person may find it difficult to properly express oneself in the event of an underactive throat chakra.” “They could really swallow their words, as well as their true sentiments in the process.”

You have a hard time paying attention, maintaining focus, or you worry about other people’s reactions, which might make it even harder for you to be honest. Physically, this obstruction may present as a sore throat, thyroid problems, stiffness in the neck and shoulders, or tension headaches.

Talking excessively, being overbearing in talks, and being overly critical or judgemental of people are all indications of an inflamed throat chakra, according to Kavanagh.

Color: Blue

Element associated with it: Ether

Crystals associated with it: Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, kyanite

Yoga poses that activate it: Fish pose, plow pose, shoulder stand

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