12 Ways Airports Are Secretly Manipulating You

12 Ways Airports Are Secretly Manipulating You

3. They Lighten the Mood

Even in stores, more recent airports use as many windows as they can.

The stores frequently have their backs to the parking lot. Travelers frequently enter stores that have direct sunlight access on foot. Passengers avoid areas that are blocked off with artificial light because they perceive them to be overly gloomy.

12 Ways Airports Are Secretly Manipulating You

4. They Herd You With Art

The large sculpture in your terminal has a purpose beyond aesthetics. It serves as another another navigational aid for travelers. They employ items like artwork as a form of placemaker to establish landmarks around an airport terminal.

For instance, the pre-security shop area at Vancouver International Airport is centered on a stunning 16-foot high sculpture.

“Meet you at the sculpture,” is a common phrase. It serves as a reference point.

A distinct ambience where people desire to spend time (and money!) is created through art, converting the airport from a sterile people-mover. According to a poll, 56% of respondents stated they would want to see more “culturally sensitive and genuine experiences related to the area” in airports by 2025.

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