How To Make Yourself Poop – All Natural Ways To Ease Constipation

How To Make Yourself Poop – All Natural Ways To Ease Constipation

6. Take a lot of probiotics.

Live bacteria known as probiotics, or “the good bugs in your gut,” are important for the digestion of food by your body.

Just be aware that they won’t function right away. It doesn’t work in 20 minutes like Tylenol does for fevers. It may take more than a day for beneficial bacteria to breakdown food piece by piece.

However, it will alter the bacterial equilibrium in your stomach. That might also make it much simpler for things to pass through your system. To support your overall gut health, think about consuming enough of probiotic-rich fermented foods like Greek yogurt or fresh sauerkraut or taking a high-quality probiotic supplement.

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