Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

The root chakra

Location: The pelvic floor, the first three vertebrae, and the base of the spine are all related to the root chakra.

What it is: If your body were a home, the root chakra, or Muladhara as it is known in Sanskrit, would be the foundation. When it is in balance, it is strong, supporting, and stable. As a result, Olivia claims that it is in charge of your sense of security and survival. It’s also linked to the things you use to anchor yourself, such as your more emotional needs like letting go of fear and feeling safe, as well as your more fundamental requirements like food, water, shelter, and safety. As you are well aware, you have a tendency to worry less when these demands are addressed.

When it’s blocked: Adherents claim that blockages can cause a range of illnesses, such as anxiety disorders, phobias, or nightmares. Physically, disorders with the colon, the bladder, excretion, or the lower back, legs, or feet are all related to the first chakra.

According to Reiki therapist, astrologer, and author of Chakras & Self-Care: A Guide to Self-Care, Ambi Kavanagh, “Like any of the chakras, the root chakra can be underactive or hyperactive.” Use Daily Rituals to Activate the Chakras’ Healing Potentials. “Underactive” denotes a closed, blocked, or improperly rotating system. In this situation, we can experience unfounded anxiety, insecurity, and danger. If the energies are excessively active, it appears that they are working excessively and becoming unhealthyly enmeshed in the physical and material world.

Overindulgence in sensual or sexual pleasures, attachment to material possessions, and a fixation on security are all signs of a hyperactive root chakra.

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Color: Red

Element associated with it: Earth

Crystals associated with it: Red jasper, onyx, hematite

Yoga poses that activate it: Wide-legged forward fold, malasana squats, mountain pose

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