25 Manipulation Tactics Narcissists Use To Control You

15. Symbolic Aggression

This might be as simple as making a gesture or “glance” at someone. A door is frequently slammed, a wall is punched, or something is thrown; otherwise, there is a demonstration of force that is not aimed at the victim.

A more severe scenario might involve exhibiting a weapon, or at the very least alerting the victim that a weapon is there and available to the manipulator, but perhaps in a non-threatening manner.

This manipulation technique aims to warn the subject and scare or frighten them into complying with further requests.

16. Hurt and Rescue

25 Manipulation Tactics Narcissists Use To Control You

Push the person into the water, then toss them a rope because a drowning person will grasp at a straw. Hurting someone else doesn’t always include doing them bodily pain, and it might not even involve making them feel awful; rather, it involves putting them in a precarious situation that they want to get out of.

The intention is to manipulate the victim into cooperating with the manipulator so that they may come to their “rescue,” only to deceive the victim into believing or depending on them.

17. Avoidance

The goal of manipulators is to avoid confrontation and accepting accountability at any costs. They could just refuse to talk about their conduct in order to avoid having dialogues about it. This may be accompanied with an assault, such as “You’re always bugging me,” which would put you on the defensive while laying on the guilt, shame, or blame.

When a manipulator changes the subject, avoidance might be subtle and undetectable. You could forget why you were offended in the first place. It might be disguised with bragging, flattery, or words you want to hear, like, “You know how much I care about you.”

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18. Love Attacks

Is an effort by the manipulator to sway a subject by extravagant displays of attention and affection. The manipulator plays on the vanity and vulnerability of the target.

Once they have located their target, they will become extremely interested in the victim and will develop a deep “passion” for them.

Its goal is to undermine the target’s capacity for critical thought so that the abuser can exert control and manipulation. In essence, they will take control of their victim by causing them to become emotionally reliant on the manipulator.

19. Crazy Making

Later, the manipulator will deny ever having said or done anything along those lines.

Making the victim question their own sanity and sense of reality is the intention. Over a number of occurrences, slowly and methodically driving them insane.

When the manipulator gets other people to do the same, the effect can be amplified or expanded.

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