5 Ways Social Media Affects Kids’ Mental Health

5 Ways Social Media Affects Kids' Mental Health

4. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) From Too Much Time Online

Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a new kind of social anxiety that affects teenagers and young adults. The newest shoes or video game purchases, parties, athletic events, shopping excursions, vacations, sleepovers, and more appear to be shared on social media these days. Because they see social media as their only connection to the outside world, our kids feel cut off from life when they aren’t using it.

On the other hand, when we see everyone around us appearing to be having a great time, it makes us experience FOMO since our friends are enjoying something we aren’t. According to a recent survey, trips, parties, and food are the three things that millennials find most FOMO-inducing when they observe them on social media. They felt jealously, envy, and depressive symptoms when they had FOMO.

How to Help

It’s crucial to teach your youngster that real life is not as picture-perfect as it seems on social media. Ask them to think about the content they publish and share. Since many individuals want to highlight their excellent qualities while hiding their flaws, it is possible that all of their peers also had terrible experiences—they are simply not shared with the public. Ask your youngster to consider all the wonderful things in their lives. They are able to start a gratitude notebook if they are old enough.

Talk openly with your kid about their wellness and any effects that social media may have on them. Talk about how important it is to sometimes take a break. Get them outdoors and away from their devices. Teens’ emotional and physical health depend on being outside and moving around, which may reduce the harmful effects of social media.

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