Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

14. Alcohol in excess.

No matter what kind of alcohol you prefer—wine, beer, or mixed drinks—it has calories that count toward your daily limit. No matter what kind of alcohol you drink, if you frequently consume 3 or more drinks each day, you run the risk of gaining weight or becoming overweight.

Limit your drinking to light or moderate amounts, such as one glass of wine with dinner. That could really prevent you from putting on weight.

15. You make hasty meal choices.

To avoid the temptation to grab anything on the move, it is essential to schedule your meals and healthy snacks. Even if you exercise enough, if you frequently consume fast food, sugary snacks, or sodas, you risk gaining an additional pound or two.

These calories appear to be treated differently by your body than the energy you obtain from nutritious foods because they are broken down too quickly. Additionally, they are low in fiber, which makes it more likely that you will continue to eat and drink thereafter.

16. It’s possible that a health issue you have is making things more difficult.

Even with proper nutrition and exercise, several medical conditions can make it very difficult to lose weight.

Additionally, where your body stores fat or how much weight you have may be influenced by your genes.

If you just can’t seem to lose weight, talk to your doctor. If tests reveal a health issue that makes losing weight difficult for you, you may be able to seek medication or other support to deal with it.

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17. Thyroid?

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

Because their thyroid is no longer producing adequate thyroid hormone, some people gain weight or are unable to lose weight despite their Herculean efforts.

You could put on up to 5–10 additional pounds if this little gland at the front of your throat isn’t functioning properly. Your thyroid produces hormones that regulate your metabolism and how much energy you have. It may be difficult to lose weight if you don’t produce enough of them.

Additionally, if your body is retaining too much water and salt, you can feel bloated. Consult your doctor if you suspect you may have a thyroid issue. Drugs can be beneficial.

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